Last evening, Michelle, Marisa, and I had a class with James - we experimented several exercise like copycat or negative space - I have to say the negative space exercise is awesome! We had a lot of fun and are even planning to work it out at our apartments (with some help of alcohol lol). As a non-professional dancer, this is a good way to explore our internal characters and break through the boundaries by developing and strengthening our bodily technique and intuition. We are all excited about what this might bring us!
昨天傍晚,我們的跳舞老師James在他給我們的「女性性/ 情慾與肢體探索課程」(XD)中,帶我們做了幾個類似像現代舞的練 習,例如隨時可以轉換領導與跟隨角色的「仿擬遊戲」或是探索人與 人關係與位置張力的「邊/ 負空間」,講得如此文鄒鄒的,可是其實是很直覺性的即興表演訓練: 「仿擬遊戲」是一人作出任何舞蹈動作,而另外一人模仿,但隨時可 以轉換兩人之間的角色,你要從何得知現在是誰在帶領,哪一刻又會 有新的轉換呢?「邊/ 負空間」則是利用你的肢體去描繪、穿越對方身體周圍的邊緣空白空間 ,你不知道對方的下一個動作、下一個舞步,時而接近、時而疏離、 時而纏繞、卻又時而偏離,在可快可慢的舞蹈中,一次又一次的靠近 亦或遠離;初次嘗試的三個女孩兒,由於生疏或拘謹不由地數次鬼叫 笑鬧連連,卻也玩得十分開心,還約著要在家裡多多水乳交融個幾次 (XD);James的願景頗具規模,不知道我們是否能夠達成目 標,不過我想他的初衷:「藉由舞蹈與肢體探索,開發內在自有的女 性性慾與其力量」,應該是多少能夠達成的,雖然「力量」的部分我 是不會妄下斷語啦(哈哈哈)。
After the class, we went to a Greek Festival at Woodbridge and tried a lot of exotic food! We went there at the last hour and luckily got a lot of free food - the Greek donuts definitely gave Marisa and me multiple donut orgasms lol. It's a pity that we didn't make it to the last dance - Ourania was already teaching us the Greek dance steps! Hopefully we will have another chance some other time! A pleasant summer evening♥